Track and Trace is the process of registering the current status information of each product. With the increase in the number of areas where tracking and tracking operations are used, demand in the software, hardware and marketing industries has increased; Methods such as RFID and Data Matrix have been developed. EPC global, an international organization, has defined structural and semantic characteristics and safety methods in determining product codes on the market under GS1 (Global Standards One). These standards are now successfully used in many areas and many products are certified according to these standards.
What is Track and Trace?

Devices and Applications for Track and Trace Solution :
Wireless Acess Point
GPRS/GSM/GPS Based Devices
Handheld Devices
Track & Trace applications

Trace and tracking systems correspond to a five-step model in which each of the levels described below is connected and accumulates in a tree structure:
Level 1 :
Defines the layout and manages the serialization/aggregation system hardware integrated into the machines used in the production process.
Level 2 :
Defines the layout and manages the serialization/aggregation system on the production line (a level 2 manages one or more levels 1).
Level 3 :
Defines the layout and manages the serialization/aggregation system at the production asset level (a level 3 manages one or more levels 2).
Level 4 :
Defines the layout and manages the enterprise-level serialization/aggregation system (a level 4 manages one or more levels 3).
Level 5 :
Defines the layout and manages the serialization/aggregation system at the external level, primarily to provide remote access to data (pharmaceutical agencies, logistics staff, hospitals, etc.). In general, a level 5 is fed information of a single level 4.